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Enterprise-Level Security By Default

We take security seriously. Our security-first approach ensures you never have to experience a malware disaster. We perform routine backups and critical security maintenance. Our team is also prepared to rapidly respond to threats and issues. We don’t treat security as an after-thought like some of our competitors. We’re so serious about security, we’ve decided to include our enterprise-level security services free with any packages.

Free SSL certificates

Google has begun penalizing sites that are not encrypted with negative consequences that can affect business. The Enreta team will issue and deploy an SSL certificate to your site for free.

Secure configuration

Your site is configured with a firewall to prevent sites from being infected with malware, and all our servers utilize kernel-level virtualization to stop malware from spreading.  Every site we host runs in its own protected environment.

Routine maintenance and backups

The Enreta team will routinely create backups of your site so we never run the risk of losing data. We also do routine maintenance on all of our sites, making sure that the latest, most secure versions of software are running.


State-of-the-Art Hardware and Software

All of our sites run on a cutting-edge stack that delivers blazing speeds. When your business grows, your site can too! No matter the amount of traffic you’re receiving, our sites will stand up to the challenge. We’ve built an elastic infrastructure that scales with your needs.

Optimized for speed

Your website will be served up by NGINX, the web server preferred by those seeking superior speed. The world’s fastest websites are running on NGINX.

Built to be elastic

Your site will be able to scale up to meet demand. When traffic to your site increases, you don’t have to worry about it overwhelming your site and causing an outage. Enreta’s elastic infrastructure means peace of mind.

Optimized for simultaneous connections

Our servers utilize HTTP/2 out of the box which helps your server manage more simultaneous connections at once. This translates to a speedier, more robust configuration for your site.

Optimized for processing

By utilizing asynchronous processing of requests, your servers can handle a higher load of traffic without losing speed or running out of resources.


A User-Friendly Process That Eliminates Stress

We’ve streamlined our process for maximum efficiency. As fans of optimization, we’ve adopted a pragmatic mindset. We work hard and smart and believe our tools should too. Our toolset gives our clients the most bang for their buck. When we bill for hourly work, you can rest assured we’re getting the most out of every hour.

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If you’d like to reach out to us, complete this contact form and we’ll try to be in touch ASAP!

Naperville, IL

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